This gal is going through some changes!
Its almost my birthday, and, well, let the thinking begin. Last night, I had a lightening bolt kind of thought, and, well, there will be some changes happening around here....
I know, I know, I've said it before, but this one is BIG! and believe it or not....I'm ready!
My poor family has to put up with me and my birthday....I start early....89 more days to my birthday....35 more days til my get the picture, and yes, I drive them CRAZY! Well, 7 more days until my birthday!!!!!!!! I'm staring down the barrel at 41...gosh, time flies! Turning 40 was great although I didn't really make the most of it as I should have...there were a few things that I left out there, but all in all....I'm happy with the year....but...there is still lots to do..and I always feel that I'm Under Construction, and I see that as a good thing!
I have been thinking for quite time....and, yes, I sometimes think WAY too much for my own good...but, what if I really acted on some of different would my life really look....With that being you know the saying "Create the Life You've Imagined"...Gosh, what if I truly put that in front of me every single day!
Can you imagine how awesome we would be!!
So....last night I was doing some blog looking, and youtubing (it was a snow day...and I had to make the most of it...right??) Totally, and completely inspired definitely, but there was a little bit of something that just made me kind of know, that I'll never be as great as...nasty old thinking...
Just be Me is so easy to say, but man, oh man is it hard to live....I'm gonna try'll see
I figured that I had just been up way to late after my bedtime and just wasn't thinking was 9pm for heaven sakes! So, I went to my studio, grabbed a few books, and settled in nicely...
If you have ever taken a workshop with
Robert Burridge, you will understand why I'm crazy about him! He is such a fantastic artist, and just so incredibly awesome! A few years back, I took his
Loosen Up workshop, and because you know me so well, you know that all of my excitement stayed in my seat there in the workshop...somehow, it didn't make it back to my studio with me....I picked up my Loosen Up workshop book last night, and BAM!!! Just like that, it was back! Oh....I could hardly sleep....
This girl wants to be BOLD....BOLD!! You know my issues with canvas..right...I want to break out of the security of my journals and do something BIG and BOLD...
I was asked some time ago why I don't work on canvas, and I only could come up with - I'm too chicken...well, that set me to thinking (see there I go again) but it dawned on me that my journal provides a sense of security, where I can still hide my "work".....I have never really put my art out there...well, here, but never out THERE...definitely too chicken for, my journals stay safely tucked away in my studio for me to enjoy. I want to change that....oh, definitely the journaling EVERY day will continue...that is a ginormous part of me that will never be lost, but I want more!!!! Stay tuned!!!
I have been gifted with an early christmas present as our schools are closed again today.....Christmas vacation begins!!!! My kids and I will get in the car soon and head out to my parents....where I will kiss there little heads, and squeal my tires, so that they can have 5 days of bliss with my parents....and I can enjoy those same 5 days as I please!!!!!!!! YEEEE HAWWWW!!!!
My husband is on call, so we will not be heading there this Christmas as we usually do, and its gonna be a good thing....I think.....or, I'll make it good. Its just so hard to be away from my family during this time, but, we will spend a few days before Christmas with them, then head back home! But...until then, while my kids are enjoying all of the spoiling that only a Granny can give....I will be here playing in my studio....I have play dates planned with some of my firends....LOTS of Christmas shopping to get don't honestly think that I've started anything yet, do you?????and some good ole fashion R&R!!!!
If you've made it to this......thank you for listening to me ramble!!! I hope you enjoy your day....I'm gonna!!!
Until next time,