My life can be a bit overwhelming....family, work, art, my Silpada business....so I thought that it would be important for me to look back over the last year and not focus so much on what I did wrong or didn't do...but instead, what I did that was positive. That made me feel better!!!
I did have an amazing year, and accomplished a great deal. Could I have done more...certainly, but I am who I am...
I realize that with so much going on, I need this year to focus on prioritizing....to make sure that I stay on course. I have some really, really big goals...really, and in order for me not to get lost in the day to day, I have to set a plan...and each day set out to accomplish exactly what I have set for myself. I think though that I really need to hone in on what it is exactly that I want to do in each area of my life...and for that, I will need more time to think quietly - it's getting there, but I was just exhausted last night and instead of heading to my studio for some alone time, I went straight to bed!!! So, that is my goal for this week...really spend some time with me, and decide exactly what I want to make happen in my life this year....and then, focus on those things.
This year promises to be exciting, and I don't want to miss out on it because I got "too busy" on other stuff....so, with that being said....Lets Begin!!!!
Until next time,
Ohhh, I love the colors in your journal pages. Thanks for the positive outlook for 2010!
I love your style, lady! Thank you for visiting my blog and leaving such a nice comment! I think we think similarly in terms of color, meaningful expression and life desires....go for it with gusto, quietude and certainty. You will accomplish much, I can see that. :)
Thank you for your visit Ophelia! I love your outlook on this post! I'm going to try adopt your way of thinking too! This WILL be a great and exciting year :)
Love your art also!
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