I have been keeping my promise to myself to make art everyday, but just getting it scanned and actually blogged is a whole other saga.

I did however, get some art goals down for this year. I realized looking back through my journals that I have gotten off track with my art goals, so it was worth revisiting and writing them down again.....
It was interesting in reading my goals how much I have actually achieved this past year...and over the years. Who would have ever thought that I would be teaching...and, well, I will be teaching in April at Jerry's Artarama!!!! Imagine that! Definitely a dream come true. I will be teaching an art journaling workshop and would love for you to join me if you are in the Raleigh area.....or maybe you're up for a road trip :)
I also realized that in looking back, my journal entries were dripping with my wanting to actually "learn" to do art journals....and well by golly, here I am!! Don't get me wrong, I'm still learning, lots and lots of stuff....but just goes to show you...and me...if you put your desires out there...and get to work...it happens!
I know we are deep into January, but I ask you, what are your art goals...you know, what is it that you are wanting to "put out there". Do it...and watch your dreams come true!
Until next time,
Good for you, Ophelia for doing want you've always wanted to do. Instead of dreaming about it, you just went out and did it. I think it would be awesome to teach a workshop!
Congrats on achieving your goals, Ophelia. I needed this little poke to sit down and write my own. They are in my head but I should write them down as a tangible reminder when I go off track. Thank you for visiting my blog and leaving your kind comment. It is much appreciated.
in my opinion the arting is more important than the blogging
i haven't been so good about either!
there goes my word
Ophelia, thanx for your encouraging comment :)
Your zest for life is inspiring ... You are LIVING THE DREAM!!!
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