Have you ever had one of those days where things just get too crazy.... you know, you're late for work, can't find matching socks, forget your lunch, need to get gas in your car because the light was on when you pulled into the drive on yesterday, dishes are everywhere...walk in the door, tired as all get out, the kids are fighting, the house is TRASHED (nothing unusual there), the dishes still there, the laundry needs to be done so you can actually find your socks tomorrow, the phone has rung a zillion times....you know, just one of those days that makes you feel so overwhelmed that you just want to crawl under your bed. I don't know if its because I am preparing to go out of town and all the prep work that goes into leaving or what...but today I have just felt so overwhelmed that I feel like something has got to give!
I wish it were not so late and I could relax with a nice cup of coffee...thats as strong as I can take it!
I think I'll head to bed now with a a hopeful heart that tomorrow will not be a repeat!
Until next time,
Tomrrow, tomorrow, the sun will come out tomorrow, bet your bottom dollar, you are in NC, the sun does NOT come out in Cleveland.
Ophelia, thank you so much for your blog visit! Whew! Just reading this post made me tired!!!! LOL!!! Hugs, Terri
Ohhh, Ophelia...I feel as though I'm having a WEEK full of the "one of those days" scenarios...
coffee....definately coffee helps us to pull through, right!?
hope you're doing better
Okay that was posted on Tuesday. Today is Thursday, are you doing better???
I feel exhausted this week. It's not like it has been a busy one, just feel so darn tired!!!
Oh, boy, have I ever. I hope your week has gotten so much better. I love your journal pages. Such a great way to vent!
Hi, are you feeling less overwhelmed now that some days have passed??? I just saw my baby sister's post to you. Mary!! Where you participating in the OWOH event this year??? I thought I saw you on the list. Happy to have found your blog!!
This is normal for me. I think I would actually go nuts if my life wasn't chaotic.
I think we all have THOSE days. But... tomorrow is a new day and we can rest in the fact that God already knows what will happen tomorrow and it is in His control. Amen to a new day!
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