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Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Being a Student...

This week, I get to be a student...all I can say is WOW!!
I get to study this week with one of my favorite local artists---Bob Rankin.  

He is such an incredible abstract artist.
Abstracts---right---loose, free--oh wow...I am just having such a hard time!!!
Coming up with designs have been tough...
Coming up with my personal color library was fun...
Not sure of how I am feeling about this, but calling it done for today.

As with this one as well...step back and see it tomorrow with freah eyes.
Painting 7 hours a day for 5 days straight is going to be bliss!!  Now, I need to learn to loosen up, relax, and breathe!
Hey...also, tell me what you think about my new blog look...Lauren over on Etsy Teach Pray Love Designs is incredible!!
Until next time,


sheila 77 said...

This looks to be like amazing fun. I love your black and white sketches and your abstract start painting is fascinating.

thekathrynwheel said...

Wow, you have been making some amazing art lately! And I love your new look blog!

K J D said...

Sounds perfect!

LOVE the new look blog :)

Karen x


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