Well friends,
All good things must come to an end...sigh. I am always so in love and inspired by this challenge. Leslie Saeta has a way of making things amazing...and bringing together artists from all over the world to paint together for 30 days is simply magical to me.
Today is our final day, and having a look at all of the artists work is so inspiring.
Have a great day, and a creative weekend.
Until next time,
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Friday, March 2, 2018
Thursday, March 1, 2018
Day 29 of 30 in 30....
Hello Blog Friends!!
I am literally trying to make it to Friday. This week as been long and grueling.
Simple colors and lots of marks makes this painting feel right.
Hope that you have a creative day.
Until next time,
I am literally trying to make it to Friday. This week as been long and grueling.
Simple colors and lots of marks makes this painting feel right.
Hope that you have a creative day.
Until next time,
Wednesday, February 28, 2018
Day 28
Making marks....is my favorite thing to do when painting...
Here, a simple line takes the show.
Here, a simple line takes the show.
Marks are my go to when it seems that nothing is working out....or when I get lost and have no idea of what to do next.
Until next time,
Tuesday, February 27, 2018
Day 27....
Nothing makes a month fly by more quickly than a challenge.
I am not sure of what it is...maybe simply documenting the days or what...but this month of painting daily seems to have slipped right by.
I am not sure of what it is...maybe simply documenting the days or what...but this month of painting daily seems to have slipped right by.
What I have found to be the best part is that I have simply been more experimental...not really caring about the end result and just enjoying the process.
Until next time,
Monday, February 26, 2018
Day 26 of 30 Paintings in 30 Days...
Good Morning...
I lost count...sigh....
I have been painting daily and realized today that I have failed to post...that is my norm. It is a tough balancing act - paint, social media, promote, blog, post and reply to comments...know what I mean.
I am usually only good at painting daily and not all of the other stuff that goes along with it. Am I the only one that struggles to keep up with everything?
I lost count...sigh....
I have been painting daily and realized today that I have failed to post...that is my norm. It is a tough balancing act - paint, social media, promote, blog, post and reply to comments...know what I mean.
I am usually only good at painting daily and not all of the other stuff that goes along with it. Am I the only one that struggles to keep up with everything?
Its Monday, and after a busy weekend away, I kept things simple...as I was just so tired this morning.
Anyways, have yourself a great day. Lets show Monday exactly who is Boss.
Until next time,
Thursday, February 22, 2018
Kindness Matters
Good Morning Blog Friends....
Hope that this day finds you all doing well.
Here in the studio, things are cranking along - at quite a high speed, it seems. Some days I find it hard to keep up, but I keep plugging along here.
I wanted to share this video from my Youtube channel, and hope that you will have a peek.
I truly enjoy playing in my art journal. Just a way to enjoy experimenting with my supplies. I find that I simply love the process.
Enjoy the video!!
Questions or comments - just ask!
Friday, February 16, 2018
Day 16....
Happy Friday, Blog Friends...
Hope that you all have a fantastic day!!
Hope that you all have a fantastic day!!
After todays painting session, I made myself put these colors away! I just get stuck sometimes, but I thoroughly love this color combo!! These little 4x6 are available in my Etsy shop under card bundles.
Side note, do you have an art tribe?? You know, good friends that share your passion for art...maybe you all get together and paint???
I am so lucky to call this gal my friend. She is truly a blessing and such an inspiration. She just is.
We get together to paint, play, bounce ideas and most important, laugh a whole lot.
I hope that you all have a great day, and a creative and restful weekend.
Until next time,
Thursday, February 15, 2018
Day 15 of 30 Paintings in 30 Days...
Its the half way mark....
Some days, I feel unstoppable and yet others, I struggle. I find that when I get stuck on a color combo - as is the case here, I just can't get enough of it, and it is very easy to fall into a color rut.
Tomorrow, I may change it up a bit...you know, to keep things fresh and exciting, but I truly love the moodiness that these colors convey. Maybe its me finding this Liquitex Blue Violet color buried deep in my stash that ignited this series, or the fact that I just love the darkness that these colors seem to bring...not sure yet of why I am in love with these colors together...but I shall make it a point to dig deep in my studio to find those buried gems that await my play.
Until next time,
Some days, I feel unstoppable and yet others, I struggle. I find that when I get stuck on a color combo - as is the case here, I just can't get enough of it, and it is very easy to fall into a color rut.
Tomorrow, I may change it up a bit...you know, to keep things fresh and exciting, but I truly love the moodiness that these colors convey. Maybe its me finding this Liquitex Blue Violet color buried deep in my stash that ignited this series, or the fact that I just love the darkness that these colors seem to bring...not sure yet of why I am in love with these colors together...but I shall make it a point to dig deep in my studio to find those buried gems that await my play.
Until next time,
Wednesday, February 14, 2018
Day 14 of 30 Paintings in 30 Days...
Good Morning Blog Friends!
I often find that when I try a new color palette...or even the simple addition of a color that I don't often use, I use it over and over and over again...
I did that again this morning, and will probably do it again tomorrow as I am simply loving the moodiness of these colors together.
See you tomorrow, right here for day 15!
Until next time,
I often find that when I try a new color palette...or even the simple addition of a color that I don't often use, I use it over and over and over again...
I did that again this morning, and will probably do it again tomorrow as I am simply loving the moodiness of these colors together.
See you tomorrow, right here for day 15!
Until next time,
Tuesday, February 13, 2018
30 in 30 Day 13....
Today is a bit of a moody day. Nothing for me is better than painting away a Monday that is rough.
I usually head to my studio for escape, and that is exactly what I did today....as a teacher, Mondays can often be pretty rough. I am not sure if it is because I am supremely spoiled by a weekend off, or if my kids are far more rested than I am...
I usually head to my studio for escape, and that is exactly what I did today....as a teacher, Mondays can often be pretty rough. I am not sure if it is because I am supremely spoiled by a weekend off, or if my kids are far more rested than I am...
I decided to change up my palette a bit for this 4x6 which will become a greeting card available in a bundle in my Etsy shop.
I hope that you all enjoy your day.
After my painting session this morning, I plan to!
Until next time,
Monday, February 12, 2018
30 in 30, Days 10, 11, and 12...
Good Morning Blogfriends,
Hope that you all had a wonderful, restful weekend.
Here, it was a rainy 70 degree weekend...I spent a ton of time inside - catching up on naps.
Hope that you all had a wonderful, restful weekend.
Here, it was a rainy 70 degree weekend...I spent a ton of time inside - catching up on naps.
I continued to paint - between naps....daily, and I am loving this challenge for that simple reason - painting daily. Showing up even when I don't feel like it...because excuses or things can quickly take over for me.
Hope that you have a beautiful week of creativity!!
Until next time,
Friday, February 9, 2018
Day 9 of 30 in 30...
Good Morning, Blog Friends...
We have made it to Friday, and thank goodness. This week has been long, and I am finding that painting has become my refuge.
We have made it to Friday, and thank goodness. This week has been long, and I am finding that painting has become my refuge.
8x8 Acrylic on gallery wrapped canvas.
Nothing else seems to take me away like heading off to my studio and shaking the day off with paint.
I hope that you all have a wonderful, restful weekend. I plan to.
Until next time,
Thursday, February 8, 2018
30 in 30...
Day 8...
Good morning,
Today I am a little tired...so marks are my comfort when I feel as though I get lost and can't figure out what to do next....
Good morning,
Today I am a little tired...so marks are my comfort when I feel as though I get lost and can't figure out what to do next....
Make it a great day!
Until next time,
Wednesday, February 7, 2018
30 in 30...
Day 7...
Some days I feel like it won't come together in time for me to head out the door for work.
Some days I feel like it won't come together in time for me to head out the door for work.
8x8 Acrylic on gallery wrapped canvas
So, I end up simply going with it...learning to let it all go and just enjoy the process.
Hope you have a great day.
Until next time,
Tuesday, February 6, 2018
30 in 30
Day 6....
I think this is another reason I simply love participating in challenges.
I know that I love making marks...I just do....and color....I love color.
See you all tomorrow.
Until next time,
Monday, February 5, 2018
30 in 30 Days 3, 4 and 5
Good Morning Blogfriends...
Ok, so I have failed at getting a post up daily, but I have kept up with the challenge so far.
Day 3....8x8 Acrylic on gallery wrapped canvas.
Day 4....8x8 acrylic on gallery wrapped canvas.
Day 5....8x8 acrylic on gallery wrapped canvas.
I am hoping that this challenge will help me A) get into the creative habit of painting daily and B) use up some of the supplies that I have and have been hoarding for such a long time.
Looking forward to using up some paint.
Until next time,
Ok, so I have failed at getting a post up daily, but I have kept up with the challenge so far.
Day 3....8x8 Acrylic on gallery wrapped canvas.
Day 4....8x8 acrylic on gallery wrapped canvas.
Day 5....8x8 acrylic on gallery wrapped canvas.
I am hoping that this challenge will help me A) get into the creative habit of painting daily and B) use up some of the supplies that I have and have been hoarding for such a long time.
Looking forward to using up some paint.
Until next time,
Friday, February 2, 2018
Day 2 of 30 in 30...
Good Morning Blog Friends,
Its day 2 of Leslie Saeta's challenge, and although its early, I am feeling pretty good about what I have been creating so far.
Its day 2 of Leslie Saeta's challenge, and although its early, I am feeling pretty good about what I have been creating so far.
8x8 Acrylic on Gallery Wrapped Canvas
One thing that I am enjoying is just the practice...the process....not the finished product. I just absolutely am in love with the process.
Enjoy your day.
Until next time,
Thursday, February 1, 2018
30 Paintings in 30 Days
Day 1...
Good Morning Blog Friends!
I look forward to Leslie Saeta’s 30 in 30 challenge every single year!!
Good Morning Blog Friends!
I look forward to Leslie Saeta’s 30 in 30 challenge every single year!!
Acrylic Painting on 8x8 Canvas
The challenge usually begins January 1st, which for me, is a great way to kickstart my year of creativity, and to make painting a daily habit. Leslie was away in January, so our challenge begins today.
I am thinking I will work small for this challenge. 8x8 or smaller, just so that I can keep it going.
What do you do to keep yourself inspired? I find a challenge a great way to get me going!
Until next time,
Tuesday, January 16, 2018
Something Opened Up...
Good Morning Blogfriends,
I hope that your week is off to a great start.
We are expecting snow this week, and that means - snow days from school!! I secretly have my fingers crossed as I need some studio time!!
I hope that your week is off to a great start.
We are expecting snow this week, and that means - snow days from school!! I secretly have my fingers crossed as I need some studio time!!
Speaking of studio time, things have been heating up....in a good way!!! I have painted non stop for the last few week to get ready for something, but first I have a bit of a confession. Last year this time - MLK holiday - I met with the owner of The Little Art Gallery. I took in my portfolio and a few paintings, and she really liked my work. She asked me to comeback in a few weeks with larger paintings.... I left, and was quite excited about the possibility of having my work hanging in the same space as some of the artists that I consider to be Hero's in this area. I got home excited to paint, and then something happened....I replayed our conversation and she said---LARGE PAINTINGS!! Now, this is a girl, that stepped into the art world by way of art journals, and I was quite comfortable painting on a 9x12 art journal page. I was terrified of a canvas, so I treated them like a 9x12 journal page, thus I painted on 9x12 or smaller canvas. So, I did what I would usually do in the face of fear....I bailed!!! Cancelled the meeting and buried her business card somewhere deep, and life carried on...
At the end of last year, I am not sure of what opened up in my, but I called her back, she remembered me, and to my extreme excitement, invited me back...yesterday, exactly one year later. This time, I showed up with 5- yes, 5 large paintings...
I held my breath as she looked them all over.....and I'm talking I seriously held my breath.
I worked hard...for weeks and weeks I painted - every morning before work and for at least 5-6 hours after work each day.
She loved them!!!! My knees trembled and I felt quite light headed...possibly the breath holding, but what a relief!!! She kept all 5 to hang in the gallery!!!!
What I am most grateful for in this experience is the gift of a second chance....and seeing again that fear - which is so very real for me with my art - did not hold me back.
I guess I say all of this to simply say - just push through. Go for it. Show up every single day and do what you love. For me, its playing in paint. Enjoying the process of playing in paint... and when I let me self know when approaching every canvas that I am only planning to enjoy the process, it takes a bit of the pressure away.
Thanks for listening!
Until next time,
Monday, January 1, 2018
What a Month!!!
Happy 2018 Blogfriends!!!
I hope that each of you had a wonderful holiday season!!! I enjoyed every single snippet of time off with my family, friends, and of course, no break from school would be complete without studio time!
My holiday officially began with my crazy college kid safely landing back in North Carolina!
I hope that each of you had a wonderful holiday season!!! I enjoyed every single snippet of time off with my family, friends, and of course, no break from school would be complete without studio time!
My holiday officially began with my crazy college kid safely landing back in North Carolina!
It is always such a relief to have him home and for our family of four to be all be under the same roof.
I celebrated my birthday on Christmas Eve...Every year, I try to remember to get a screen shot of the exact time and day....nailed it this year!!!
Every single time I sell artwork, it makes me extremely happy!! The thought that someone out there likes something that I create brings me such joy. This one, Fire and Ice, heads to its new home in Seattle, and I am so thankful that out of all the artists in the world, Kate wanted one of my pieces.
Years ago, I set a goal that I wanted to start a YouTube channel...years and years ago!! This year, I gave myself a deadline of January 1! A few days ago, I uploaded my very first video!!! Fingers crossed, my second video - One Little Word - will be up today!!! I have a brand new respect for YouTubers out there as it is far more difficult than they make it seem!!!
Speaking of One Little Word, I decided that this year, my word would be TRUE.
True to my artwork, my style of creating, and to myself. True in everything this year. Do you choose a word to guide you for the year? What is your One Little Word??
I have lots of ways of filling my creative well, and one of them is spending time with my art friends. Jodi Ohl and I have been friends for many years. We usually try to catch up a couple of times a year, and whenever we do, I leave so very inspired and with loads of new ideas!!
I hope that you have the most amazing day, and a happy, healthy, joyful and creative 2018!!
Until next time,
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