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Friday, March 30, 2012

Where Ya Been Girl????

Happy Friday Everyone!! I seriously can not believe that it has been so long since I've logged into Blogger! Seriously! I have had the best intentions...literally, for weeks now....Ophelia, blog today....and, well, sigh, it just hasn't happened!
There has been so much to share...really, I have been in my studio daily, but, the computer and I have been separated, I guess...just simply haven't taken time to blog, or get around to all of my favorite places in BlogLand...it seems that I came into what has been the real issue.....

So, "Ophelia, Blog", simply just gets moved, or put off, and days turn into weeks, and so there ya have it...

This month has honestly been an Art-A-Palooza kinda month! My art bags have been packed, and unpacked, and packed some more....and, well, it has truly been delightful! Between workshops at Jerry's, demos at Jerry's, and some other demos and lectures I have done, I have to say, I truly enjoy the world of art!

And, today, officially begins my Spring Break....THANK YOU LORD!! You know how you have those days, and you truly feel that you can not take one more minute...well, that is where I was...I am so thankful that this break has rolled around...at the perfect time, because, honestly, I could not take one more day!!!

So, I hope you all enjoy the beginnings of a beautiful weekend. You'll never guess this one, but baseball has begun, so....I'll be in South - something Virginia all weekend on the baseball field...Yee Haw! I have big plans however to steal some time away in my studio...
Let the massive rest and relaxation begin!!!
Until next time,

Friday, March 9, 2012

Creative Weekend Ahead!

Good Friday Morning everyone!
My bags are all packed...again for what is ahaping up to be an inspiring weekend of creative events!
Today, I head over to Raleigh for a demo/lecture with students at North Raleigh Christian Academy...um... If I spend all day everyday with middleschoolers, please tell me why I'm so nervous!!!

I just love my train case that I found....it really holds a lot of stuff. Somehow it seems that I am always packing so much stuff to bring along with me. I guess the teacher in me is just always overly prepared!!!

Tomorrow, I get to hang out with my friend Patri for some art play and show and tell as she just returned from Art&Soul!! I can't wait because I am always so inspired by playing with Patti in her Art House!!!
Then, on Sunday...you guessed it, Im heading to Jerrys for a dwmo with Matisse Paints and mediums...
Seems this promises to be a fun, messy, and creative weekend!!! Wish me luck!!
Until next time,

Monday, March 5, 2012

A Monday Morning Pep Talk

Good Monday Morning Everyone,
We are expecting a wee bit of snow this morning, and our schools are on a two hour delay, so, you know what I've been doing with my extra time---sleep in, NOT!!
I didn't realize until I scanned this, that you can barely read what I have written...I'll go back and work on that!
Anywho, I find, that I am so very often my own worst enemy. Stinkin' thinkin' over everything. So much so, that I never take chances on anything. I honestly thought that I would have "gotten over myself" on this one a long time ago, but, it creeps back in with every new opportunity that presents itself....
I really have to learn to just put my blinders on and just go. Know what I mean????
Well, I hope that you all enjoy your day.... I am off to make the most of every moment!!!
Until next time,


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