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Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Totally Uninspired....

Guess what....I'm in such a funk! Everything I touch lately turns to ruin... its horrible, I say...just horrible. I head up, make a mess of something, then head out. I have tried some blog visits, became completely inspired, headed to the studio, and well, you know what happened.

My daughter has been sick...and we have not been sleeping at all, so that may be what is causing this creative funk...

The bum part is that I have absolutely nothing to share....unless you would like to see the pile of dirty laundry that sits there...the unwashed dishes...my serious case of bed hair...just blah today...I will however try to get back later and share with you someof the things I have been doing.
So, for now, I just thank you....each of you, for your constant inspiration and encouragement...my visits to your blog keep my hope alive!
Have a great day everyone,

Until next time,



Mary said...

Honey it happens!! Not too long ago I was in the same place. You will pull out of it I promise.

Grace and Peace

Linda Teddlie Minton said...

Cheer up, my Cosmic Twin! I was happy enough today for the both of us, so I will send some of it your way.
Big, SQUOOSHY hugs,

Bren Graham Thebeau said...

Well now, you've expressed what we all have experienced. And certainly illness in the house has a big impact on our creative output.

Sharon DiGiulio said...

Ophelia: Sometimes when I'm in a funk, I take extra pride in folding my laundry. I'm so good at folding now, I NEVER iron! That way you'll sort of use your creativity toward something you have to do anyway and your results will be fabulous! You'll be all set for the studio in no time!

Unknown said...

Keep at it...it will return.

: )


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