Its Over......
Art of the Carolinas was amazing this year.....AMAZING, and just what I needed at just the right time. I anxiously awaited its arrival for what seemed an eternity, and in a is over.
I did this page, because all things must come to an end....and its so sad that time truly flies when you are having fun. Thursday finally came and I had my first workshop....and the next thing I was Sunday afternoon, and the show was over.
To fill in the space for you though....the show truly was amazing, and the classes that I took were just incredible.
My first class on Thursday night was with Jimmy Leslie... Good Golly Miss Molly! He is such a great teacher. This was a collage class and it was GREAT!!
On Saturday I took a class with Michele Theberge

This one was called Drawing with Acrylic Inks....and once again...WOW!! You remember last year when I went NUTTS over those Liquitex Inks....well I'm in Love all over again... In this class we played with them on Yupo paper....GOOD GOLLY MISS MOLLY. Mind you... I am not even close to being a "drawer", but she was fantastic!! And the class was great even for an absolute beginner like me.
You may remember from an older post of mine the excitement and pure joy I get from taking workshops....unpacking my supplies, and the childlike giddiness I get as I wait for the class to begin....that was exactly the experience I had this time, and I was not disappointed.
As usual, this girl with a-shopping at the trade show....and prepare to be AMAZED once again. Good Golly Miss Molly (did I already say that) well, its worth repeating in this instance.
The trade show was filled with bargains galore...All the supplies that you could imagine from the top companies out there. This girl was in an artistic wonderland. Each company had artists that demo'ed products, and I always HAVE to stop in and "check out" what they are working on...and BAM---I have to have it all!!
I will post findings from each company that I shopped with and found incredible things...each new post will feature a new find, so stay tuned! You won't be sorry.
Until next time,