Good Morning, blog friends!
First, I can't even begin to explain where the time went since my last post. I signed on this morning and was just shocked that its been over a week since I last posted!
So, lets back up for a second to LAST Sunday.....
What do you do when its a 100 degrees outside and feels like 110!!!!!! Welp, you play BASEBALL!

Thats right....for a non-outdoor gal, thats hard for even me to say...but, we had a blast....lots of cold drinks and frozen fruit...and fans and tents, so honestly, it wasn't so bad!
Now, as far as the studio goes...I finally even got to get to the studio around Wednesday...and had to have a bit of a pep-talk....
As you all know, I am the worst at comparing myself....I visit blogs and I'm truly inspired by the art that I see out there, but I also find that I want to try to "make mine like there's"....that only leads to frustration...and I found that I am frustrated because, well, its not really my work...
I also discovered, that although I have some ginormous dreams yet to accomplish, I stop very short each and every time....I don't know if I am just not willing to put in the work that it takes to get there, or if I am a "want everything YESTERDAY kind of gal, and just give up because "it" hasn't happened, I dream on, and plan more....only to stop short again...
I decided that I am planning my future - again....but for the last time. I am mapping it out, and gonna just dig in...and stay in this time.

So, I'm Jumping In..... "In" to lilfe...."In" to my dreams...."In" to my goals. Just getting off the sidelines of this game...and getting "In".
Much more to come...but for now....its off to yet another blazing weekend of baseball!
Until next time,